Saturday, February 8, 2014

Time to get back to things!

I have not been on my blog in way to long.  It is time to get back to it!  I hope to post some fun stuff very soon!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sorry I was gone so long.

I am so sorry that I have not been posting new things on my blog in almost 2 months.  I was away in Ohio because my mother was diagnosed with cancer in the lining of her brain and passed away last month.  I am finally back in California with my husband and children after I was able to get everything settled in Ohio. 

On I happier note I am slowly getting back to crafting and I can not wait to share my holiday ideas with all of you.  Thank you all for your support and I will be posting some fun stuff very soon. 

Thank you

Monday, September 24, 2012

Sorry I am away

Hey Everyone,
I am sorry I have not been posting anything the last few weeks.  My mother is dieing of cancer and I have been at her side.  Along with that my husband and I are trying to get orders from the military to get stationed closer.  I hope to be back to posting new cards and projects soon.  I hope you all understand. 

Thank you for visiting my blog and for your support,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Beauty of Nature

How beautiful are these cards.  Nature is a great way to get inspiration for your crafting. Neural colors can make a great base for a card and with a few small pops of color, nature cards can really make a person smile!

These cards were easy to make and are simple and elegant.  Any nature lover would smile to get one!!  

Thanks for coming to my blog and have a great day!!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thank You

I wanted to thank everyone who has stopped by and looked at the things that I have made.  With that said my mother has been sick and I am going to post when I can.  Hopeful tomorrow will tell how long all of this will last.  Thanks again though for following me and checking out the things I put up!!!!

With Love,

*The Men in Your Life*

The one thing I have a lot of in my life is men.  I have my husband and my 2 boys just in my house a lone.  Then you factor in my father,  father-in-law, my brothers, and the several military men I encounter all the time, there are a lot of men in my life.  Well with all those men it is hard to come up with male cards that they would like.  Here are just a few ideas!!!

 These card layouts would be great for Father's Day.  I am sure the man in your life would love them!!
 These are great birthday cards for any age.  The diamond plating is so simple.  It is aluminum foil and an embossing fold.  It just sets the card off and makes it really masculine. 
Thanks so much for stopping by and hope you have a great day!!!!

~To Do Lists~

These are mini note books I made for a few events that I am doing.  I did 9 of them and thought they were just to pretty not to share!   These would be great to throw in your purse or backpack.  Its so fun to be creative!!

Thanks so much for checking out my blog!!!